News & Views: Marketing

Knowing and growing: How data-driven tech is the future of marketing

7 Jul 2019 | 5 min read


Knowing and growing: How data-driven tech is the future of marketing

Go to any marketing event, and you’ll not struggle to find someone standing in front of a podium evangelising to their flock about the gospel of data, and the endless success it will...

The science behind the o2o retail strategy

17 Jun 2019 | 5 min read


The science behind the o2o retail strategy

In the beginning came offline. Then man created an online sphere. All was well between the two. Separation reigned supreme. However, are the lines between both starting to bleed into...

Is your data-driven strategy outdated, and do you need a new one?

4 Apr 2019 | 3 min read


Is your data-driven strategy outdated, and do you need a new one?

The definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Not that we’re insinuating marketers who haven’t reviewed their data strategy in a...

How to use the metrics that matter in B2B marketing

1 Apr 2019 | 4 min read


How to use the metrics that matter in B2B marketing

At Infinity, we keep data close to the heart of everything we do. This focus enables conversations across the business to make sense; we’re speaking the same language and driving...

If you want to be customer obsessed, do this.

22 Jan 2019 | 3 min read


If you want to be customer obsessed, do this.

Customer obsession is defined, simply, by being obsessed with customers’ experience with your brand. Not to be confused with the other obsession of turning up outside their house,...

What can call tracking solve for agencies?

21 Jan 2019 | 6 min read


What can call tracking solve for agencies?

This is a guest post provided by our partners at Peaky Digital.

4 ways first time buyers want you to market to them

8 Jan 2019 | 5 min read


4 ways first time buyers want you to market to them

In 2018, first-time buyers accounted for more than half of the property market. This demographic’s age is largely associated with the magic “M” word to marketers. Millennials have...

What to do when your insurance customers go offline? [VIDEO]

14 Dec 2018 | 1 min read


What to do when your insurance customers go offline? [VIDEO]

One moment a customer can be browsing a particular insurance plan offering on your site, and the next they’re dialling your contact centre to make a purchase. If customers can’t find...

4 ways marketers can creatively use customer reviews

29 Nov 2018 | 5 min read


4 ways marketers can creatively use customer reviews

Think back to how you made the decision to buy your latest online purchase?

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