News & Views

The questions to ask when investing in martech

15 Apr 2019 in

The questions to ask when investing in martech

Gartner’s new CMO Spend Survey for 2018-2019 says that the average percentage of a CMO’s budget, allocated for martech, jumped from 22% to 29%. This makes martech the single largest area of investment when it comes to a marketing department’s resources and programs1.

Is your data-driven strategy outdated

4 Apr 2019 in

Is your data-driven strategy outdated

The definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” Not that we’re insinuating marketers who haven’t reviewed their data strategy in a while are insane. Or are we?

What Metrics Matter In B2B Marketing | Infinity Tracking

1 Apr 2019 in

What Metrics Matter In B2B Marketing | Infinity Tracking

At Infinity, we keep data close to the heart of everything we do. This focus enables conversations across the business to make sense; we’re speaking the same language and driving forward with the same purpose. We’re not alone in this, but how do marketers decide which metrics matter?

Best practices for building a perfect landing page for SEO and PPC

25 Mar 2019 in

Best practices for building a perfect landing page for SEO and PPC

2019 is set to be the first year where over half of the world’s population accesses the Internet.1 With trillions of searches taking place every year, the value of investing in SEO optimisation and PPC advertising campaigns remains high.

PPC and Call Tracking : How can you increase results and lower costs?

20 Mar 2019 in

PPC and Call Tracking : How can you increase results and lower costs?

When it comes to PPC marketing, knowing what is and isn’t driving sales for your business is vital.

What Is Call Tracking and How Does It Work: Ultimate Guide

4 Feb 2019 in

What Is Call Tracking and How Does It Work: Ultimate Guide

If you’ve never come across call tracking before, you’d be forgiven for thinking it’s either a way to monitor what your kids are up to, or software used exclusively by call centres to keep reps on track.

The state of phone calls in the property market

24 Jan 2019 in

The state of phone calls in the property market

The phone call is one of the most vital steps in the buyer journey for property. It signifies a potential end to the research phase, and a committed step towards selecting somewhere to buy or rent. Being as informed as possible about how calls are coming in, what happens on them, and the impact...

PPC Marketing to the over 50s

22 Jan 2019 in

PPC Marketing to the over 50s

No business wants to miss out on a substantial, often untapped revenue source. Yet for those ignoring the over 50s in a breathless chase to capture the millennial zeitgeist, it’s an everyday occurrence. Unless there’s a very strong reason for them to adopt this approach, more fool them.

How to be customer obsessed using emotional intelligence

22 Jan 2019 in

How to be customer obsessed using emotional intelligence

Customer obsession is defined, simply, by being obsessed with customers’ experience with your brand. Not to be confused with the other obsession of turning up outside their house, screaming through their letterbox kind of obsessed.
