News & Views

What are call tracking metrics and why do you need them?

5 Sep 2023 in

What are call tracking metrics and why do you need them?

Any call tracking provider will always be enthusiastic about call tracking metrics. After all, the whole point of tracking these metrics is to save money, and who doesn’t like the sound of that?! But what are call tracking metrics, why do you need them, and how do they help improve your bottom line?

Insights & Impact Ep.8: How to drive conversions with agent coaching

30 Aug 2023 in

Insights & Impact Ep.8: How to drive conversions with agent coaching

In this Insight & Impact episode, we’re joined by our Business Intelligence and Speech Analyst, Jenn Gaskell, who tells us all about how to drive conversions with agent coaching. Every sales leader knows how important effective agent coaching is, but they’re often faced with the challenge of...

The ultimate benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for call centers

23 Aug 2023 in

The ultimate benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for call centers

What comes to mind when you think of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Sentient computers? Harrison Ford in Blade Runner? It’s not just the stuff of the silver screen, AI for call centers helps you automate time-consuming admin tasks, improve your overall performance and, most importantly, provide...

Lead Attribution: Where are your best leads really coming from?

16 Aug 2023 in

Lead Attribution: Where are your best leads really coming from?

You can never have too much of a good thing, especially when it comes to high-value leads. What if you could leverage data and insights collected from acquiring your best customers to find dozens more just like them? Lead attribution gives you the opportunity to understand where your best leads are...

How to use call tracking to optimize affiliate marketing campaigns

9 Aug 2023 in

How to use call tracking to optimize affiliate marketing campaigns

Say you’re a company looking to invest in performance marketing, you’re looking at different options, and come across the possibility of affiliate marketing to drive new leads. I mean, what's not to love? You get another business to support your lead generation efforts and help you with some of the...

Average sales close rates by industry: What's a good ratio?

31 Jul 2023 in

Average sales close rates by industry: What's a good ratio?

In an increasingly uncertain and competitive environment, sales and marketing teams are feeling the pressure to deliver more profit with less budget. You work hard on building a healthy pipeline, but do you know how many of those leads are successfully converting into satisfied customers?

Insights & Impact Ep.7: The key to effective agent training

27 Jul 2023 in

Insights & Impact Ep.7: The key to effective agent training

Any sales and service team will be keen to implement effective agent training programs that create top-performing agents. When a customer picks up the phone, you want to make sure the experience they get matches their expectations. You also want to make sure these calls have the outcomes you’re...

The Ultimate Guide To Call Monitoring: Tips, Tricks & FAQs

24 Jul 2023 in

The Ultimate Guide To Call Monitoring: Tips, Tricks & FAQs

What if we told you that every single call that comes into your business, whether it’s a customer service enquiry or a sales lead, contains a goldmine of data that could take your business to the next level? Whether you want to check your team is staying compliant, perfect sales scripts, or provide...

Optimizing your marketing budget: Key factors to consider

19 Jul 2023 in

Optimizing your marketing budget: Key factors to consider

Given the current climate, it’s no surprise marketing budgets are under close scrutiny and optimizing your marketing budget is likely going to be a key area of focus. Every penny you spend must contribute to revenue growth, so you’ll need to carefully consider the marketing activities you invest in.
