News & Views

ROAS for eCommerce: How Retailers Can Track Campaigns for Improved Profit

3 Jun 2022 in

ROAS for eCommerce: How Retailers Can Track Campaigns for Improved Profit

It comes as no surprise that the pandemic has put pressure on many industries, but retailers have found it particularly challenging. Marketers too are feeling the squeeze, with arecent surveyfinding that marketing budgets have dropped by almost 5% in the last year. This makes accurately tracking...

Pulse Check: Roaring start to the year for automotive call volumes

3 Jun 2022 in

Pulse Check: Roaring start to the year for automotive call volumes

There’s no doubt that the pandemic has accelerated the engagement of digital channels, and customers have now become more accustomed to being online for more of their purchase journey. Despite this, a recentYouGov surveyfound that 62% of buyers are still not in favour of making a car purchase...

The Ultimate Guide to Attribution Model Types in 2022

3 Jun 2022 in

The Ultimate Guide to Attribution Model Types in 2022

Last touch attribution. Single touch attribution. Positional. Time decay. What does it all mean anyway? There are so many attribution model types available to marketers that it can be difficult to understand which one is right for your business.

How To Use Marketing Attribution Software to Enhance your Multi-touch Attribution Reporting

3 Jun 2022 in

How To Use Marketing Attribution Software to Enhance your Multi-touch Attribution Reporting

Change is the only constant in life, and the same can be said of marketing. With tactics, trends and technology constantly evolving, it’s important that marketers understand how they’re acquiring and converting leads to accurately report attribution.

Pulse Check: Call volumes experienced strong year-on-year growth through Q1 2022

3 Jun 2022 in

Pulse Check: Call volumes experienced strong year-on-year growth through Q1 2022

At the start of the year, ourcall tracking datashowed a healthy uplift in call volumes across the travel, retail and automotive industries.

B2B Marketing Attribution: the ultimate guide

3 Jun 2022 in

B2B Marketing Attribution: the ultimate guide

Customer journeys are never as simple as going from A to B. When it comes to B2B purchase decisions, it can look more like A to C, then a pit-stop at X, than R. With so many stakeholders invested in purchase decisions such as gatekeepers, end users and the all-important decision maker, how can you...

Get credit everywhere it’s due: Why agencies need to prove the offline value of their campaigns

3 Jun 2022 in

Get credit everywhere it’s due: Why agencies need to prove the offline value of their campaigns

Researchshows that 91% of UK marketers believe that Martech budgets will increase next year, from their current average of £533,300. And agencies are often at the forefront when it comes to advising their clients on how best to measure success. But are they investing wisely?

Humans are behind all decisions: what this means for your marketing strategy

3 Jun 2022 in

Humans are behind all decisions: what this means for your marketing strategy

Recently, our VP of Marketing, Hannah Delaney, spent some time talking toPress Gazette’s Marketing Maestroabout how marketers can engage with customers to improve campaign performance and boost the customer experience.

Why Conversation Analytics is a critical piece of call centre software

3 Jun 2022 in

Why Conversation Analytics is a critical piece of call centre software

In an increasingly connected world, customers have a variety of ways to get in touch. Contact forms, email, social media and even WhatsApp - you’d be forgiven for thinking that the humble phone call has fallen out of fashion. You’d be wrong.

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