Insights & Impact episode 3: Getting granular with call drivers

Matt McGillicuddy

By Matt McGillicuddy
30 Mar 2023

2 min read


What are the benefits of getting granular with call drivers I hear you ask? Well, ask no more - you’ll hear all about it in this Insights & impact episode.

We sat down with Chris Browne, Head of Insights, for our final deep dive into the world of call drivers. This time, we discuss how combining intel on call drivers with other data points in your business can give you the super granular insight needed to focus on the right areas, instead of implementing one-size-fits-all fixes.

If you’ve been keeping up to speed with previous episodes, you’ll be pretty familiar with call drivers and how they help you make better marketing decisions, nip operational headaches in the bud, and provide a smoother experience for customers. 

(Need a refresher on call drivers? Listen to episode 1 here)

But, an important takeaway you’ll get from listening to this episode is understanding that – while it’s great being able to uncover these types of insights – it is important to take into account the different needs of the different areas of your business. This is especially true if you operate across different locations. One region may be performing way better than another, so you’ll need to take a completely different approach.

Ready for some fast insights? Listen to the latest episode below:



Want to learn more about how to unlock granular details from call drivers and other data points in your business? Start a conversation with us today to find out how we will help you do just that.

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