News & Views

The growing importance of call tracking data in the financial services industry

28 Sep 2022 in

The growing importance of call tracking data in the financial services industry

Covid-19 was the ultimate operational sucker punch, testing financial service institution’s (FSIs) resilience in unprecedented ways. But now they are emerging even stronger. FSIs now have the conviction and power to overcome almost any challenge that comes their way, despite the complexity of their...

Set your call centre agents up for success: 5 essential skills to master

22 Sep 2022 in

Set your call centre agents up for success: 5 essential skills to master

It’s every contact centre leader’s dream to have a team packed with high-flying agents that can effortlessly reduce handling times, boost conversion rates and delight every single customer, every time. By focusing on the right skills, your dreams could become reality.

Car dealers must be plugged in to what their customers want

14 Sep 2022 in

Car dealers must be plugged in to what their customers want

There hasn’t been much good news for the automotive industry over the past two years. Brexit, Covid-19 and horrendous supply chain backlogs have seen growth in the sector stall.

How to Track Phone Call Conversions in Google Analytics

6 Sep 2022 in

How to Track Phone Call Conversions in Google Analytics

If your business relies on converting customers over the phone, it’s vital that you’re able to accurately log calls and conversions, as well as keeping an eye on where your leads are coming from. This becomes even more crucial if you’re running marketing campaigns online, in the hope of triggering...

How to increase sales using call quality monitoring in your call center

22 Aug 2022 in

How to increase sales using call quality monitoring in your call center

"This call is being recorded for quality and training purposes." We’re all familiar with the idea of monitoring calls, as consumers and businesses, but how can you use this kind of information to increase sales and improve the way your team handles customer calls?

Call center selling: 4 innovative and creative strategies to sell

15 Aug 2022 in

Call center selling: 4 innovative and creative strategies to sell

When the going gets tough, the tough get creative. Research has shown customer expectations are rising, with 90% of customers saying customer service is an important factor in their choice of, and loyalty to, businesses. It’s up to call centers and sales teams to go the extra mile if they want to...

Supercharge call centre efficiency with ‘always-on call monitoring’ tech

8 Aug 2022 in

Supercharge call centre efficiency with ‘always-on call monitoring’ tech

Do you want a clearer picture of how your digital marketing is performing? Do you want to grow your contact center whilst driving revenue and saving costs?

Enhance your sales outreach strategy with these effective tools

8 Aug 2022 in

Enhance your sales outreach strategy with these effective tools

Some companies believe the more prospects they have, the better. However, pursuing incorrect types of prospects can waste valuable time, money, and resource that some of us just don’t have. That's why having a well-thought-out outreach strategy is vital to both your sales team's immediate and...

Introducing Outbound: Unlock the other half of the customer journey

8 Aug 2022 in

Introducing Outbound: Unlock the other half of the customer journey

Are your sales team missing out on opportunities because they don’t have visibility of the customer’s story so far?
