Upcoming webinars

August 2024

Fixed Numbers

Tue 06 August

3.00pm - 4.00pm (GMT)


Fixed numbers are “fixed” to specific channels and campaigns, enabling you to accurately track offline campaign performance. Find out how they help you sharpen your decision-making, give your attribution an instant boost, and improve your marketing efficiency in this interactive webinar. We’ll also be talking through best practice, how to manage and order fixed numbers, as well as the specific use cases.

September 2024

Conversation Analytics

Thu 26 September

2.30pm - 3.30pm (GMT)


Find out how to unlock invaluable insights from the conversations you have with customers – at scale. In this webinar, we’ll be going through everything you need to know about Conversation Analytics and how it helps you develop a deeper understanding of your customers, what they really care about, and what messaging resonates with them so you can continuously improve the customer experiences you deliver.

On-demand webinars

The Infinity Hub Overview

Learn everything you need to know about the Infinity Hub and how to start leveraging your call data to drive instant value.

Understanding your Hub Dashboards

Learn how to unlock game-changing insights from your call data in lighting speed with Infinity’s new AI-⁠powered features and functionalities.

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