How does call tracking enhance your customer’s experience?

Amber Willis

By Amber Willis
1 Oct 2019

4 min read


In 2019, customers have a plethora of choice on any market. So, the question is, what’s making certain brands be heard above the noise?

Could it be down to beautifully designed logos? Exceptional product selection? Or, a superior online presence?

Maybe. But perhaps it could be the interesting, pleasing, or efficient experience they offer. Conquering the many battles involved in improving customer experience (CX) isn’t an easy feat and one that can benefit from technology playing a supporting character. So, it makes sense that 75% of organisations surveyed by Gartner increased their investment in CX technology in 2018, with 52% expected to increase funding further in 2019.1

Experiences can be different things to different brands.But, for the purposes of this article, we're going to discuss why call tracking can enhance your customer’s experience.

And I should care, because?

Gartner predicts that 89% of businesses are now expected to compete mainly on customer experiences2. Furthermore, the Temkin Group discovered that in a study concerning customer loyalty, 86% of participants who received a memorable customer experience were more likely to return to the same company3. Therefore it’s becoming over that CX is a key focus for the future.

Perhaps as the world becomes more digital-first we, as a society, are now beginning to show signs of a need for personalised experiences or connections. Personalised messaging, content, or options based on our likes or interest show that these digital companies are taking us into account. Which makes it feel just a little more personal.

Dialling up a new level of experience

If your company also sells via the phone you may be wondering how exactly you can create one. This responsibility falls to an amalgamation of agents and technology.

Summarised clearly by Cathy Bessant of Bank of America.

"First and foremost, it’s core to customers and clients. Second, technology really improves the customer experience and makes it more reliable, makes us more consistent, takes the heroism out of greater customer service, and makes great service what we deliver every day.”

We could discuss the endless possibilities that call tracking has in creating experiences, but, for the sake of brevity, we have compiled the 5 of the best ones.

Behaviour dictates call routing
Say you operate a car dealership. A customer’s journey on your website may include browsing your current stock or viewing information on how to book services. Depending on the journey they take, call tracking can give you the data to make certain rules about which department the customer is connected to in the first instance. Saving them time, freedom from lengthy “Press 1” commands, and contributing to more enjoyable customer experience.

Assessing your busy periods
No-one wants to sit mindlessly in a call queue. We all have busy lives and generally need answers swiftly. Call Tracking reveals when your call volumes are at their highest, including missed calls volumes. Allowing you to make changes to staff rostering or even assist you in your business case for recruiting additional phone agents.

Jump the queue
Say a customer has between £500 - £1000 of products in their basket. Should your customer decide to complete the transaction over the phone, call tracking data can allow you to set up a rule that identifies this customer has a higher purchase intent and needs to be automatically pushed to the top of the caller queue to complete their sale.

Call deflection
Perhaps the way to create a seamless, hassle-free experience for customers is by deflecting as many calls as possible. Sky worked with Infinity to create a call deflection strategy which would allow them to identify pages of their site which generated the most calls. These insights allowed Sky to configure their site to become more user-friendly and allow people to get the right answers, in the first place.

Real-time insights
Finally, the Infinity caller insight app provides highly valuable context and information to the agent answering the call, in real-time. Infinity client, In Place of Strife, used the customer insight app to view a caller’s online journey before they called. By doing so, its agents were able to tailor their conversation to the insights gained from viewing the customer’s online journey, such as preferred mediators or services.

Invest in the right experience

It’s clear that investment in CX technology is a consideration worth taking your time over. With rising amounts of vendors on the market, it can seem that the tech maze is a difficult one to manoeuvre. By allowing your tech investment decisions to be guided by what’s going to create, or enhance your customer’s experience you can decide on the right vendor for your business.

Infinity works with over 850 clients to streamline their customer’s experience.

Start a conversation today to discuss how we could do the same for you.

1.Investment in CX Technology, Gartner, (2018)
2.Competition on CX, Gartner, (2015)
3.Customer experience and repurchase, Econsultancy, (2018)

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