3 Ways Call Tracking Improves your Sales Team Performance

William Ruddy

By William Ruddy
7 Sep 2017

4 min read


McKinsey states that customer-experience leaders in B2B and B2C settings have on average higher margins than their competitors, and experience revenue growth of 10 to 15 percent.1

Improving your sales team’s performance starts by building a customer centric sales approach. Call tracking features empower sales teams to embrace customer centricity while improving performance metrics, such as average order value, employee retention, and close rates.

Here are three ways to transform your sales team’s approach and performance with call tracking.

1. Call recording provides effective sales training

Call recordings prove an effective tool for training new sales team members. This teaching tool accelerates the onboarding process for new sales hires, decreasing the time it takes for them to reach key milestones.

Managers expose them to highly valuable conversations that led to sales conversions and poor conversations that resulted in lost opportunities. Hearing past conversations provides firsthand experience to learn about effective questions to prospect objections, various ways to express product benefits and value, and see how past successful sales members positioned the solution against competitors.

For the existing sales team, call recording provides sales coaching and improvement training. This is one of the many features that separates advanced call tracking from basic call tracking with Google Call Conversions. Sales managers leverage conversation reviews to see if the sales team:

  • Addresses talking points for each call’s goals.
  • Overcomes objections.
  • Leverages sales collateral, specific case studies or other content.
  • Maximizes potential by applying feedback to future calls.
  • Crafts messaging, language, and conversations to highlight your product’s competitive advantages.
  • Asks the right questions to assess a prospect’s business needs and challenges.

Sales managers provide examples of high quality conversations to listen to and learn from. This creates an effective environment for peer learning and collaboration.

Throughout these learning opportunities the team must evaluate your focus on customer centricity. Are you conducting enough research beforehand to carry an insightful and informed conversation with the prospects? Have you positioned the product to fit the customer needs?

2. Visitor level call tracking data enriches conversations

Visitor level call tracking data gives the sales team insight on the initial research phase of the customer’s journey, which then allows them to align their conversation and pitch with the perceived visitor intent. The visitor level tracking data includes pageviews, duration of time on those pages, advertising campaigns engaged, emails opened, and responses to other marketing activity.

Sales team members see the prospect’s onsite web activity prior to the call and after it as well. This allows them to customize and personalize their communications with the individual and their company.

Context and personalization make a monumental difference in cultivating high quality conversations with prospects. Nine out of ten consumer audiences agree that brand experiences with strong personal interactions are more compelling.2

3. Call Tracking Data Produces Insights to Increase Average Order Values

Does your marketing team generate high quality leads that are highly qualified and likely to close?

Increasing order values starts with marketing. Call tracking provides insight on what marketing campaigns and channels produce high quality inbound calls with a better probability to close and higher average order values.

Order Values

Part of the battle to increase average order value depends on the sales process and marketing optimization.

Call tracking enables the marketing team to identify which channels, campaigns, even keywords from PPC campaigns, produce the highest average order value per sales conversion. If marketing isn’t focused on attributing this metric, then this directly hinders sales performance.

Let’s assume marketing takes care of their end of the bargain. Do you have a clearly defined sales process that outlines the qualification process? Do you have a sales development process in place with a 20-30 minute warm up call to thoroughly qualify leads?

It’s imperative to have this process in place to avoid wasting time for your sales team. If they waste time on improperly qualified leads, they have less time to analyze and improve their current interactions.

Call tracking data and the call rating feature creates a data bank that contributes to the lead qualification and scoring definitions to focus on producing potential leads with expressed signs and indicators of a higher order value.

Optimize your sales performance with call tracking

Visitor level call tracking data, call recordings, and call ratings enable your sales team to engage in a continual improvement process to optimize for quality conversations on calls and average order values. These tools provide insight on customer context and empower a highly customized buying journey that focuses on customer centricity.

Contact us to discuss how to enhance your sales team performance with call tracking.


1) "Improving the Business-to-Business Customer Experience", McKinsey, 2016

2) "CMOs & brand managers confirm that personalized brand experiences are increasingly a B2B marketing priority", The Drum, 2017.

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