The future of B2B advertising

Matt McGillicuddy

By Matt McGillicuddy
10 Jul 2023

3 min read


What does the future of B2B advertising hold? In an increasingly saturated space, B2B marketers need to find ways to stand out from the crowd. We’re in turbulent times and, chances are, you’re up against multiple competitors with similar product or service offerings. That’s why simply highlighting features and benefits just doesn’t cut the mustard anymore. Plus, let’s face it, it’s also pretty boring!

Around 95% of purchasing decisions are subconscious, and us humans are largely driven by emotions. B2B marketers need to keep this front of mind when crafting their communications and lead with an authentic and human approach. At the end of the day, people buy from people, and B2B buyers are no exception to the rule. They’re looking for solutions to the challenges they face, and that needs to resonate across all your messaging. When you know what’s keeping them up at night, you can tell them how you’re going to grant them a good night’s sleep.

Standing out in a saturated crowd

Building a solid sales pipeline is always going to be a key focus for any marketer, and even more so in B2B where many customers are quick to move on. That’s why B2B marketers need to strike a balance between sales activation and brand building when it comes to deploying advertising. Yes, it’s important to have a laser focus on sales activation because it does what it says on the tin – activates sales. But these campaigns are often short-lived, which can lead to a lumpy pipeline.

On the other hand, brand building is all about creating a long-term, positive reputation in the market that positions you as a trustworthy and desired sales partner. This will keep customers coming back to you, which is exactly what you want.

Understand what is and isn’t working

To get your marketing budget working as hard as possible, you need a clear view of which activities are driving your all-important leads. But buyer journeys are complex, and customers often go from A to Z, then back to B before making a purchase. This makes revenue attribution super tricky, especially when online advertising is driving offline conversions.

Being able to bridge the gap between online perusing and offline purchasing means you can make smart, data-driven decisions about where to invest your advertising efforts. The same applies to the messaging you’re putting out there. You need to listen to what customers are saying to truly understand what they need and want. Conversation Analytics enables you to unlock these unfiltered insights at scale, so you can craft hard-hitting messaging that really resonates with their needs.

"One of the businesses we work with used this intel to boost conversions by nearly 60% and cut CPA by 1/3"

Ready to hear more about acing your B2B advertising? Tune in below for the full lowdown from Infinity’s Head of Brand, Matthew McGillicuddy and Growth Intelligence CEO, Thomas Gatten.


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