How does call tracking improve the customer experience?

Michelle Garnham

By Michelle Garnham
11 May 2017

3 min read


By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator. In fact, it's estimated that 86% of buyers will pay more for a better customer experience.

Customers are beginning to expect a smooth omnichannel experience, and if they don't get it, they'll go elsewhere.

There are five main barriers to a successful customer experience:

  • Incomplete or inconsistent multichannel strategy
  • Unassigned or shared responsibility for customer experience
  • Unresponsive website
  • Disjointed experience between all touchpoints (including offline)
  • Ignoring/misunderstanding data

With fewer than 20% of companies consistently meeting customer experience expectations, there is clearly work to be done.

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Graph courtesy of Econsultancy 

The solution is simple: call tracking.

So, how can call tracking improve the customer experience?

It follows the entire customer journey

By deploying visitor level call tracking – where each visitor to your website is assigned their own unique phone number and visitor ID – you can accurately track customers for the duration of their journey, no matter which channel they use.

Call tracking provides context for every customer interaction with the company – the top-level software considers offline options too (leaflets, posters etc.). This provides great insight for all departments, and makes it easier to build a connection with the customer and deliver on their needs.

It streamlines operations between departments

40% of companies says each department have their own agenda, but common sense dictates this is not conducive to a smooth and streamlined customer experience.

Figure 2 small.jpg

Departments must work together synonymously if they are to achieve their company's desired outcome of more sales and profit.

Call tracking is a great way to begin improving departmental relationships, especially between sales and marketing departments. It provides context for each interaction, which can help when it comes to closing the sale, and creating future campaigns.

By integrating call tracking software with your CRM, all departments (including Accounting, Production, R&D, Purchasing and even Human Resources) can benefit from the insights gathered.

Why Infinity should be your go-to option for call tracking

Infinity is the market leader in visitor level call tracking. It can track both on and offline touchpoints, and provide unique insights into each visitor – including the specific PPC keyword they used to find your site. You can act on this data by creating content based on what your customers are searching for – and fulfil their expectations.

This software can integrate with several CRM systems, online tools and booking systems, to ensure that you have the best possible view of your operations. By having this data in one place, in an intuitive interface, you will be able to vastly improve your customer experience.

Infinity Eavesdrop

Infinity's new feature, Eavesdrop, allows PBX users to listen in on calls and advise the operator in real-time. This informs pitching decisions and will not only help your business, but eradicate the need for follow-up calls.

The Eavesdrop tool is also great for training and quality assurance. You can be sure that your customers are receiving the high-quality service you wish to provide, and offer real-time feedback to new (or existing) employees.

These features can dramatically improve your customer’s experience.

Other benefits

Infinity can also help improve your marketing ROI and sales conversions by finding efficiencies in your budget and strategy. Consequently, each department is held to account, and operations become more transparent and streamlined. This will benefit the consumer in the long run.

As standard, Infinity offers an IVR and welcome message. This branded and official introduction is a great way to kick off the customer experience. The Skills Based Call Flows feature is also a key part of improving the customer experience as it transfers callers to the appropriate teams as quickly as possible, which minimises drop off rates and maximises conversions.

Implementing Infinity's call tracking solution should be your first step in streamlining and improving your customer experience.

Get in touch today

Find out more about Infinity's visitor level call tracking today by getting in touch today.

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