Insight & Impact Ep.9: How to nail compliance monitoring

Lucy McCormick

By Lucy McCormick
27 Sep 2023

3 min read


Any business that operates in a sector governed by strict regulations – we’re talking GDPR, CCR, or Consumer Duty – knows how important it is to nail compliance monitoring. If you’re not keeping on top of compliance, it’ll have a big impact on business. Best case scenario, there’ll be damage to reputation to deal with. Worst-case scenario, it could be a hefty fine that disrupts cash flow – or worse.


All in all, compliance and QA teams have a massive task at hand to make sure each and every agent sticks to scripts and keeps compliance front of mind at all times. In this Insight & Impact episode, that’s exactly what we’re talking about; how can team leaders in this space keep on top of what happens on every call?


Aside from having rigorous processes in place, there are tools that will make this job a lot easier. Tune in to find out how you can gain full visibility over every conversation that takes place so you can protect your customers and keep yourself out of hot water!


P.S. Tune in to previous episodes here


In this episode, we’re joined by Kelly Seddon, a senior analyst in our I&I team. Kelly comes from a compliance background, so she’s well-versed in what thorough compliance monitoring should look like.


Now, without the right tools in place, QA and compliance teams will often listen to a sample set of calls to determine whether standards are being met. Thing is, if you’re not listening to 100% of the calls that come in and go out of your business, you won’t be getting the full view of whether there are risks or breaches.


Automated call monitoring and Infinity’s Conversation Analytics suite solves this problem. Kelly talks about the different tools and approaches QA and compliance leaders can take to ensure they’re quickly spotting breaches and nipping compliance issues in the bud. 

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