How to leverage call insights to optimise B2B PR

Matt McGillicuddy

By Matt McGillicuddy
13 Feb 2023

3 min read


B2B PR can be a huge growth driver – when you get it right. But, at a time when marketing budgets are super stretched, justifying spend on what is sometimes considered a “nice to have” can be tricky. Our Head of Brand, Matthew McGillicuddy, spoke with B2B Marketing and Champion Communications to delve into the depths of B2B PR and why it’s an essential tool when you’re looking to generate long-term growth.

Like with any marketing activity, you need to demonstrate a clear Return on Investment (ROI) from PR. However, it’s important to remember that when you embark on any PR campaign, you’re playing the long game. That’s not to say every piece you put out shouldn’t be a game changer. It can be when you align it with wider business objectives, nail your messaging, and make your value proposition crystal clear.

In other words, if you’re unsure of what you’re saying and why you’re saying it, you may as well be shouting in the dark. The good news is, you’ve got a ton of tools and insights at your fingertips that will help you break through the noise.

Leveraging all the insights at your fingertips

A key consideration for any B2B PR campaign is how it’s going to generate revenue. That’s why alignment between sales and marketing teams is absolutely key. Your sales teams speak to prospective customers every day, so they know and understand the challenges they’re facing. By creating a constant feedback loop with your sales team, you can gather key insights into what your customers need and want. You can then use this as a framework for your messaging and deliver content that really resonates with them by demonstrating how you’re going to add value.

You can take that a step further and analyse all conversations at scale with Infinity’s Conversation Analytics solution. Unlike using surveys to gather customer insight – which can often be skewed due to small sample sizes or bias responses – you get the unfiltered truth. The key thing with PR is not only understanding what position you need to occupy in the market, but in your customers mind, too. Conversation Analytics unlocks that potential and gives you access to the wealth of insights you have at your fingertips.

In this podcast, we talk about leveraging the value of these insights to create compelling PR B2B messaging. Overall, you’ll uncover how B2B PR can be used as a true growth driver when you nail your messaging and overall value proposition.

So, grab your favourite headphones, kick back, and get ready to become a B2B PR pro!


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