Get a 360-degree view of your customer buying journey with advanced call intelligence

Paula Morales

By Paula Morales
16 May 2017

3 min read


The importance of call tracking was validated back in 2014 when Google launched Website Call Conversions to prove that clicks from Google AdWords ads drive calls for businesses.

Google Call Conversions satisfies basic call tracking needs for businesses. But what happens when your business grows out of basic needs, and you need more sophisticated tools to track the customer journey?

This blog post explores seven reasons why advanced call tracking is exactly what your business needs to measure ROI from all marketing channels and build smarter marketing campaigns.

1. We don’t live in Google AdWords-only marketing world

One of the greatest thing about GCC is that it's free for anyone with a Google AdWords account. However, one of its downfalls is that it only tracks calls from Google products and that is only a fraction of all of the marketing channels available.

So, if you run multiple marketing campaigns across different online and offline channels and ad networks, you won’t be able to track this activity.

As a marketing manager, you need to understand the holistic value of all marketing channels, not just paid search. You need to know the value that each channel contributes to the business against marketing spend to determine your true cost per acquisition.

2. You need phone number flexibility

GCC only allows one phone number per page and it does not allow you to use specific number types. With advanced call tracking, you have the ability to use more than one number per page, including flexible phone number types, such as freephone and geo numbers.

3. Get your reporting right – not all calls are leads

GCC identifies all calls as leads, misleading your reporting with bogus leads. Once you upgrade to advanced call tracking, you will be able to define the value of each call as a lead or a non-lead. This enables you to understand the true value of each phone call and manage your paid search campaigns more efficiently, using keywords that result in calls, not just leads.

4. GCC phone numbers get reallocated

With advanced call tracking, you can choose from a large pool of unique numbers to allocate phone numbers to clients for their entire lifetime with your business.

GCC, on the other hand, recycles your phone numbers if they are not used in 30 days, relocating them to another company.

5. Call recording is a powerful sales and marketing tool

Call recording allows you to get insights into the value of calls to help you identify what channels are worth investing more in what channels need to be reviewed.

The ability to listen to calls provides you with data about the quality of leads that each channel provides and the quality of service offered by your sales reps.

Unfortunately, GCC does not offer call recording.

6. GCC does not offer real integration with third party systems

Infinity’s advanced call intelligence tools allow you to integrate with third party systems, such as Salesforce, Oracle, DoubleClick, Kenshoo, Adobe Omniture, Google Analytics, Qubit, Optimizely, Google Tag Manager, etc., allowing you to measure cost per sales down to keyword.

7. Advanced Analytics to better understand your customers

In combination with our own analytics and goals engine, Infinity call tracking allows you to attribute the correct conversion value to various touch points within the customer journey. So, you can know the exact value and leads and revenue that each channel is bringing to your business.

Our clients agree Gary Emsley, IT Manager,

"Knowing where our return on advertising spend is working best is a truly beneficial insight and has become one of our most vital metrics"

James Morgan | Head of Digital, sk:n

Contact us to learn more

GCC may be the right call tracking tool for you if you want basic data on the performance of your paid search campaigns. You may be ready to upgrade to advanced call tracking if you want to align ROI visibility and identify best performing channels, campaigns, keywords, ads, locations, and demographic.

Get in touch to learn how Infinity's visitor level call intelligence can help you transform your business and accelerate revenue growth.

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Discover how our call intelligence will help you

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