Introducing Agent ID: Taking control of your agents’ success

Andy Vale

By Andy Vale
1 Aug 2022

4 min read


Who wouldn't love a team of top performers?

Every contact centre leader's dream is to have a team of high-flyers capable of reducing average handling times, boosting conversion rates and consistently hitting quarterly revenue targets.

In an ideal world, every new agent joining your team would arrive ready to set the world on fire and immediately catapult themselves into the top one per cent of call handlers nationwide. But the reality is that high-flyers don't grow on trees – you need to create them by offering support and top-quality training.

Get your coaching programmes right, and you've got the potential to improve win rates by as much as 29%. Yet shockingly, 1 in 4 sales agents feel that their training is inadequate.  

One-size-fits-all training chocked with generic tips and advice isn't going to produce a team of top-performers. To do that, you need to take an individual approach. 

But before tailored coaching can be scoped and rolled out, it's essential to get a handle on what works, where the holes are, and understand exactly what type of support each of your agents needs. 

Sound tricky? It isn't.

Pinpoint what makes your high-flyers fly so high

Introducing Agent ID, a tool to help you take control of your agents' success by replacing guesswork with clear insight.

Agent ID enables you to see how well each team member is doing, giving you complete visibility of how they – and therefore your business – are performing.  

Take a look at Agent ID in action below:



All customer engagements are packed with insights that could help transform your team's performance. So as a contact centre leader, it's essential you have a tool that can help pull out all that vital information more efficiently and give you a clear view of what's working.

Agent ID makes it quick and easy to find each agent's calls by outcome, so you can isolate the tactics and topics of conversation that lead to the results you want to replicate.

By adding Agent ID to your tech stack, you'll be able to:

  • Spot what went well and what didn't on individual agents' calls 
  • Turn team performance from 'good' to 'great'
  • Make manual monitoring and mindless searching a thing of the past
  • Fuel better decisions and processes for your contact centre

It's time to pinpoint and plug your skill gaps

Nailing your training and creating a team of high flyers is a critical step you must take if you're serious about sending performance in your contact centre soaring.

But it's just one of five.

Our latest eBook, Turning Calls into Conversions – the steps contact centre leaders need to know, covers the rest.

You can grab a copy here.

Turning calls into conversions


Ready to level up your team's performance?

Learn more about Agent ID by downloading our product guide

Ready to unlock real audience insight at scale?

Discover how our call intelligence will help you

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