Enhance your sales outreach strategy with these effective tools

Andy Vale

By Andy Vale
8 Aug 2022

5 min read


Some companies believe the more prospects they have, the better. However, pursuing incorrect types of prospects can waste valuable time, money, and resource that some of us just don’t have.

That's why having a well-thought-out outreach strategy is vital to both your sales team's immediate and long-term effectiveness.

Sales outreach is the practice of communicating with prospects that fit your customer profile to get them into your funnel and convert them into paying customers.

As a marketer or contact centre leader, the tactics you use to pull prospects into your pipeline need to be rock solid in order for your sales team to thrive. And with the right training, backed up by real-time analytics, your sales calls will become much more aligned and successful by exposing prospects to an authentic, human interaction that may be the difference between a yes, and a no.

Despite its importance, more than 40% of salespeople admit they struggle with outreach, saying it’s the most challenging part of the sales process. Access to the right data is one of the root causes of this problem; while 85% of salespeople say that insights make their efforts more effective, only 46% claim has access to sufficient data.

Alarmingly, this challenge isn’t always apparent to sales leaders until revenue targets are missed. Fortunately, you can diagnose whether your business needs support, by answering a few quick questions to find out how your contact centre is performing.

Is your team struggling to fully understand your prospects’ needs?

Truly knowing your prospects is one of the most important parts of any sales outreach strategy, and with the right technology, you can access the entire customer journey from start to finish and gain a much clearer understanding of how and why your customers buy.

Our Conversation Analytics suite helps you gather the information needed to better understand the people you’re selling to, create a more seamless customer experience by removing common friction points, and ultimately, convert more.

By automatically monitoring all of the calls that come in and go out of your contact centre, you can arm your team with the insights they need to nail their outreach tactics. You can easily track the journeys that led to successful calls, develop a deeper understanding of what matters most to your customers, and pinpoint the tactics that are responsible for getting deals over the line.

Data-driven training: the secret to creating more high-flyers

Understanding how you need to approach prospecting is one thing, making sure your entire sales team is firing on all cylinders is another.

The human factor is a key element of nailing outreach and delivering against your sales targets. But with over a quarter of agents claiming their training is ineffective, contact centre leaders have some serious work to do if they want to avoid falling short.

By automatically monitoring how individual agents perform with a tool like Agent ID, you can identify individual training needs and dramatically improve your coaching programmes.

Finding the best practices that make your top-performing agents fly high will help you make sure that every agent on your team is leveraging the outreach tactics that are most likely to lead to conversions. Highlighting specific weaknesses in your team will also help you wave goodbye to one-size-fits-all training and say hello to a tailored approach that will rapidly improve agent performance. This level of unfiltered performance feedback will help you give callers the high-quality experience they demand and make the most of every lead that comes through your contact centre.

With the right tools in your stack, sales will shoot skywards

Effectively leveraging technology will help you transform your sales outreach and dramatically improve agent performance.

Adding Conversation Analytics to their tech stack helped the leaders at Pendragon optimise their marketing, sales and operations processes. Using technology to attain a granular view of performance and highlight opportunities for real improvement has helped Pendragon reduce friction points in the sales process by 66.6% and reduce CPA by just under two-thirds.

Having the right tools in your tech stack is critical if you want your team to perform at their best.

Are you using contact centre technology effectively?

Understanding what you need to improve in your contact centre is the first step towards better processes and more sales.

Take The Great Call Centre Workout to find out how well you’re leveraging technology and understand your teams’ fitness levels.

Our simple traffic light grading system will help you see what you need to do to get things ship-shape and turn your contact centre into a lean, mean, sales-generating machine.

The Great Call Centre Workout

If you’d like to learn more about how you can use call intelligence tools to enhance your sales outreach after taking the survey, start a conversation with us today.

Ready to unlock real audience insight at scale?

Discover how our call intelligence will help you

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