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How Call Tracking Creates Value for Marketing Agencies

Written by Andy Vale | Aug 29, 2019 11:00:00 PM

Brands no longer expect their agencies to perform marketing campaigns alone. They expect a service that offers access to a comprehensive tech stack to bring additional strategic information and revenue to their business.

In our blog, we have covered a vast number of ways that call tracking is beneficial to an end user, such as marketing insights, sales improvements, and customer journey optimisation. It's a must-have for any business that drives sales or service via the phone. But is a robust call tracking solution really only beneficial to the client?

We say no. Here are just some of the ways it brings value to agencies AS WELL as their clients:

Guide your strategy

If you provide PPC to your clients, you need to get the full picture on how your terms are performing. For example, someone may find the brand via a generic search such as "Greek island holidays" or "London Flats" but not convert from that click as they are just researching. However, we frequently see cases where visitor level call tracking proves that these initial clicks lead to phone calls from a brand search later on. Tailoring your spend based on these provable insights will demonstrate the value you bring to your clients.

Attribute the results you bring to your client

There's nothing worse than putting months of work into a website and PPC strategy but not getting credit for the sales it generates. But that's precisely what will happen if customers visit your client's site and then decide to call up to complete a sale. "Why," the prospective client may ask, "do I need to pay this agency to do my marketing when the customers are just calling our old phone number?"

Proctor + Stevenson had a hunch that this was happening with a major tech brand client of theirs across multiple markets. By implementing call tracking to the site, they could prove and optimise a higher conversion rate, growing it drastically in a few short months.


"With one client, we found that over 50% of sales contacts made directly from the website were via phone calls. That’s a 100% increase in the potential revenue generated from the site. A 100% increase in the reported revenue generated by the digital team achieved by just adding a simple script on the website? This seems like a no brainer."

Matt Skinner | Head of Digital Strategy and Data, Proctor + Stevenson

Reap benefits across teams

Call tracking is not only beneficial to PPC marketers, most of its use cases have both direct and knock-on benefits to others too. For example, it unlocks important details on where your client can improve their website to generate fewer low-value calls, and improves the insights delivered to their sales team to increase conversion rates of the web pages you've built.

The service is also scalable, allowing you to branch into new areas and mediums swiftly with new numbers. This has positive implications for your client's ops and IT teams, as the ease of implementing a large pool of trackable numbers lifts a time-consuming burden from them.

Integrations with other databases and CRMs

Data that gets lost in a myriad of silos is both laborious to monitor, and difficult to understand. It's a frustration for both you and your clients. Thankfully, top call tracking providers understand that keeping your data library straightforward is paramount in providing worthwhile insights and customer management. Infinity currently integrates with over 35 third-party platforms, including Salesforce, Google AdWords, and Google Analytics.

Win new business

As well as applying call tracking to your own marketing efforts to win potential clients, call tracking will be an attractive draw to any business that relies on phone calls for business or support. Many of our agency partners have found that their experience with call tracking demonstrated an understanding of their prospective client's needs. It proved a commitment to providing long-lasting improvements that aligned with how the business operates.

Fill in missing pieces of the customer journey

Getting an accurate map of the customer journey is a key factor of the customer-centricity that companies are striving to deliver. Call tracking plugs a lot of gaps in the journey, identifying far-reaching optimisations to be made throughout the company. Understanding what's leading people to call the business is only going to be of value to your client, and solidify the foundations of a strong relationship between the two of you.

If call tracking is something you'd like to offer to your clients, then start a conversation with us about what Infinity brings to your agency today.