Config API Version 2 Organisation Types


Please note that Organisation Types are only provided for Enterprise customers.

Organisations may be used to divide an IGRP into different business units or departments, segmenting activity between these units (see the section on Segments for more details).

While all permissions are managed through the organisation structure, Organisation Types are a way of grouping different organisations together, regardless of the hierarchy, and displaying complex organisational structures in a simpler, flat navigational structure.

For example, an international company may have different sales areas each with their own users and data. This might include:

Example Inc. > USA > North West Example Inc. > Europe > Western Europe > France Example Inc. > Africa > Egypt

In order to display a list of data by country, we need some way to identify which of these organisations are countries and which are regions, etc.

When creating the organisations called “USA”, “France” and “Egypt”, we can assign them an organisation type of “country” within our IGRP and from that point on we can list any organisation that represents a country.

List Organisation Types

Returns a list of defined Organisation Types for a specified IGRP.


GET /config/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/organisationTypes

URL Path Params

GET Params

Filter Types

The Organisation Types list may be filtered by any of the returned fields.

Sort Types

The Organisation Types list may be sorted by any of the returned fields. By default the list is sorted by orgTypeOrder.


Returns a list of Organisation Types that the user can access.

{"orgTypeCode":"all","orgTypeName":"All Data","orgTypeOrder":"1"}

List Organisations within an IGRP

Returns a list of Organisations that the user can access within an IGRP.


GET /config/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/organisations

URL Path Params

GET Params

Filter Types

The Organisations list may be filtered by any of the returned fields.

Sort Types

The Organisations list may be sorted by any of the returned fields. By default the list is sorted by orgTypeOrder then by orgName.


Returns a list of Organisations that the user can access.

{"orgId":"100","orgRef":"","orgName":"Example Inc","orgStatus":"200","brandingId":"1","brandingName":"Infinity","logoFilename":"2f883544-d320-4418-bb6c-b8d93bc97854.png","landingDomain":"","orgTypeCode":"all","orgTypeName":"All Data","orgTypeOrder":"1"}
{"orgId":"201","orgRef":"us_nw","orgName":"North West USA","orgStatus":"200","brandingId":"1","brandingName":"Infinity","logoFilename":"2f883544-d320-4418-bb6c-b8d93bc97854.png","landingDomain":"","primaryColor":"#E52D87","orgTypeCode":"region","orgTypeName":"Regions","orgTypeOrder":"3"}

Read Organisation Config

Returns the properties of a particular Organisation within an IGRP.


GET /config/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/organisations/{ORG SPECIFIER}

URL Path Params


Returns the properties of a particular Organisation.


Links an Organisation to an IGRP and defines its Type.


POST /config/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/organisations/{ORG SPECIFIER}

URL Path Params

POST Params


Returns the HTTP 204 (No Content) status code if update successful.


Unlinks an Organisation from an IGRP.


DELETE /config/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/organisations/{ORG SPECIFIER}

URL Path Params


Returns the HTTP 204 (No Content) status code if update successful.