Reports API Version 2 Call Rating


Post Call Rating helps you to see clearly in the Portal the value of calls as they happen, your operators have the ability to assign a rating to a call so you can see which campaigns are driving effective traffic and subsequent calls to your site. Post-call rating is the action of assigning a rating to a call once the caller has hung up.

Each post call rating is associated with a call rating group, which contains the configuration of the call rating. The call rating group is associated with multiples items, allowing the user to assign a specific rating to a call, e.g. “new lead” or “existing lead”.

Each item consists of text and a digit. The text contains the call rating for this option and the digit indicates which button needs to be pressed on the phone to pick this option.

List all call rating items for an IGRP

Returns a list of all IGRP call rating items.


GET /reports/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/callRatings/all/items

URL Path Params

GET Params

Filter Types

Sort Types

Same fields as Filter Types, see above.


Returns a list of all call rating items under the given {IGRP SPECIFIER}.

Same fields as Filter Types, see above.

{"callRatingItemId":"1","callRatingId":"1","itemDigit":"1","itemText":"Existing Contact","captureTxv":"0","currency":""}
{"callRatingItemId":"2","callRatingId":"1","itemDigit":"2","itemText":"New Lead","captureTxv":"1","currency":"GBP"}

List all unique call rating item texts for an IGRP

Returns a list of all unique IGRP call rating item texts.


GET /reports/v2/igrps/{IGRP SPECIFIER}/callRatings/all/uniqueItemTexts

URL Path Params

GET Params

Filter Types

Sort Types

Same fields as Filter Types, see above.


Returns a list of all call rating items under the given {IGRP SPECIFIER}.

Same fields as Filter Types, see above.

{"itemText":"Existing Contact"}
{"itemText":"New Lead"}