• Verify Call Extension Phone Numbers in Google Ads
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Verify Call Extension Phone Numbers in Google Ads

Google requires that all phone numbers used in call extensions and call-only ads are verified

Methods to Verify

If the phone number you insert into your Ads account is a tracking number or any other number you do not have listed on your website, then it's possible you may see a message like this in your Google Ads account: google_unverified.png

The reason for this is that Google's robots have recognised that either the ownership of the domain hasn't been verified or there are phone numbers listed on the Ad but nothing on the website to match it.

Google provides two methods to verify your call extension phone numbers:

  1. Ensure the phone number used in the extension appears in text on the website featured in your ad.
  2. Prove that you own your domain by linking your Google Search Console to your Google Ads accounts. You can also add your unique Google Ads conversion tracking code snippet to the landing page featured in your ad if you prefer to verify ownership of your domain without using Google Search Console.

After linking your Google Ads and Google Search Console accounts, it may take several hours or days for the phone numbers to appear as verified.

When using Infinity, the recommendation is to verify a Google Search Console account to prove ownership of your ad's display URL.

Follow this Google article to link your Google Search Console and Google Ads accounts

Linking Your Account to Google Search Console

  1. Once logged into Google Ads, select Tools at the top of the page.

  2. Select Linked Accounts from the Setup options


  1. Click Details on the Search Console window


  1. You'll see a message to link Search Console to Google Ads. Click Link to start the linking process


  1. You can then enter the website URL you'd like to link, and click Continue


  1. If the account link is successful, you'll then see Linked in the Status column Note: You may see other statuses if your account can't be linked to Search Console. For more information on troubleshooting, please follow this Google help article:

Link Search Console with Google Ads

Verify a URL via Google Search Console

  1. Navigate to the Google Search Console and click Start Now


  1. Enter the URL of the site you're verifying, then click Add Property


  1. Your site may be automatically verified at this point. If not, it's important to verify the ownership of your website using one of the other verification methods listed on the page and then click Done when complete


  1. After the verification is successful, you can return to link the account in Google Ads

Please see Google's article on Phone number verification for call and location extensions for other methods you can verify your extensions.

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  1. Getting Started
  2. Enhancing your Installation
  3. Frequently asked questions
  4. Call Management
  5. Number Management
  6. Infinity API